Inspira Financial

Launching a New Financial Wellness Brand While Reducing Friction in the Customer Journey

10 min read
Financial Services
Strategy & Research,  Design & Creative, Digital Marketing, Data & AI, Product Delivery
Adobe Experience Cloud, Generative AI

Inspira Financial, formed from legacy companies Millennium Trust Company and PayFlex, partnered with WillowTree in 2024 to launch its new brand and elevate the customer experience. WillowTree helped establish Inspira as a trusted, differentiated brand that simplifies the health and wealth journey for more than 8 million clients managing over $62 billion in assets under custody.

The Challenges

  • Introduce and differentiate the Inspira Financial brand in a crowded and traditional financial services landscape
  • Retain and build trust among existing Millennium Trust and PayFlex customers
  • Decrease customer service calls by ensuring B2B and B2C web users can navigate easily and find what they need

Our Work

Here's how WillowTree delivered on client objectives:

Strategic Information 

We reconciled the distinct portfolios of Millennium Trust and PayFlex into a holistic service blueprint for Inspira, segmenting and personalizing this B2B and B2C content.

New Brand Design System

We developed an atomic design system with customizable components, ensuring CX consistency, reducing time and costs, and enabling faster onboarding.

Conversion Rate Optimization

We implemented Adobe Experience Cloud to enhance Inspira’s customer journey, identifying and prioritizing high ROI optimizations.

AI Assistant

Our LLM-powered InspiraBot only references an internal dataset of FAQs and approved content, ensuring privacy, security, and compliance.

The Results

faster time-to-value via Inspira’s new atomic design system
hours of work saved annually by implementing Adobe workflow efficiencies
improvement in B2C login journey flow
more usage of InspiraBot compared to site search
only 6%
of InspiraBot chats indicate intent to speak with customer service

“It's one of the better — if not the best — sites I've seen among retirement and benefits providers.”

Benefits Administrator 
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Strategy & Research

Creating a New Blueprint for Inspira’s Digital Services

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We began by mapping consumers' previous engagement with Millennium Trust and PayFlex products and services to arrive at a holistic understanding of Inspira Financial’s combined portfolio and nomenclature.

“Early on, the big question was: how do we organize their products in a way that aligns with users’ mental model and works well for SEO,” said WillowTree Chief Design Officer Alex Carr. “We conducted an all-day workshop where we presented our primary research with B2B and B2C audiences, and we aligned on an information architecture and main navigation that internal marketing, strategy, and sales teams had confidence would work well in the market.”

Challenge #1

Merging two distinct brands' large product/service portfolios creates redundancy, confusion, and added cost.

Our solution: Clarify the user experience and drive conversions through net-new branding, messaging, UX/UI improvements, information architecture, and a conversational AI chatbot — while keeping scalability top-of-mind.

Challenge #2

B2B and B2C audiences have vastly different user needs, and a one-size-fits-all approach won’t work.

Our solution: Segment and personalize B2B and B2C content to tell more relevant stories for each audience and position Inspira as a trusted expert.

Challenge #3

Legacy MarTech tools hinder ROI and data-driven decision-making.

Our Solution: Leverage Adobe Experience Cloud products like Adobe Experience Manager and Adobe Target for A/B testing and data-driven conversion rate optimization.

Design & Creative

A New Design System to Differentiate Inspira Financial

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Though Inspira had existing brand guidelines, the firm needed a structure to adapt and scale its new visual identity across digital touchpoints. With the right look, custom B2B- and B2C-tailored content could rise above the sea of sameness we observed among financial services competitors.

Our atomic design system meant CX consistency, time and cost savings, and faster onboarding and training. Each tailored component made abstract ideas concrete, ensured scalability, discerned between B2B/B2C audiences, and, most importantly, differentiated the brand from its competitors.

Learn more about how we helped Inspira tell its brand story using a new design system based on custom illustrations.

“The custom illustrations helped us take our brand design elements to the next level. They’re visually striking, incorporating subtle animations to make them come to life. The thought and care WillowTree put into creating the entire system was amazing.”

Maggie Tomasek
Inspira Director of Communications and Brand

Digital Marketing

Driving Brand Awareness, Converting Leads Into Customers, and Streamlining Workflows

We turned to Adobe Experience Cloud as the MarTech solution that would drive Inspira’s desired outcomes.

Here’s a closer look:

Adobe Experience Manager Sites & Assets

  • Support various audiences/page intents with scalable web templates
  • Interfaces with Adobe Target to A/B test variations
  • Helps craft and publish content tailored to B2B and B2C user journeys

Adobe Workfront

  • Streamlines content creation workflows and document management 
  • Automates document storage, metadata entry, and publishing
  • Saves Inspira’s teams roughly 2,000 hours of work annually

Adobe Target and Adobe Analytics

  • Analyzes elements of Inspira’s web presence that generate conversions
  • Identifies data-backed opportunities to reduce user friction
  • Prioritizes high-ROI optimizations using WillowTree’s proprietary Hypothesis Prioritization Framework
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Data & AI  |  Product Delivery

InspiraBot: Using AI to Ease Customer Pain Points and Reduce Employee Strain

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We built the InspiraBot chatbot to improve user experience and expand self-service capabilities throughout the firm’s website. InspiraBot is an LLM-powered conversational AI assistant that references — and only references — a growing internal dataset of FAQs and product-related content, all approved by Inspira’s marketing, legal, and compliance teams.

The assistant is a substantial upgrade from the more rigid intent mapping-based, “call-and-response” models that many legacy chatbots rely on. Through Contextual Awareness, InspiraBot can reference previously stored user messages or ask follow-up questions to return even more relevant, precise, user-specific content.

To date, InspiraBot experiences 5x more usage than the site search function. InspiraBot has helped to decrease call volume, with only 6% of chats indicating intent to speak with customer service.

WillowTree’s cross-functional digital expertise is fulfilling the Inspira brand promise: to strengthen and simplify the health and wealth journey, relentlessly pursuing better outcomes for all. Through thoughtful UX and brand design, powerful MarTech, and innovative conversational AI, Inspira Financial is already generating tremendous gains in user experience, employee efficiency, and brand engagement. 

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